Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Game A Stroke of Fate : Operation Valkyrie

Sebelum Falah berangkat kuliah,,, falah akan share sebuah game yang bernama Game A Stroke of Fate : Operation Valkyrie,,, yang pasti nya untuk menambah semua koleksi game sobat blogger semua,,,,,

ok degh langsung aja kita cek

If you had the chance to change history would you? Could you?

In Germany hurtling towards the global catastrophe in the second world war, you step into the murky arena of international espionage as you try to alter the course of history and try and achieve what so many failed: the assassination of Adolf Hitler.

As a special agent trained in the latest sabotage techniques you have to infiltrate Hitler's inner circle and avoid the ever-watchful eyes of the ever-dangerous Gestapo. And they will be watching you, they always are...

A Stroke of Fate transports you into the world of the 1940s, mixing with the most hated figures in European history; Himmler, Goebbels, Muller and Hitler himself. While you are there though, do you have what it takes to achieve the impossible task that eluded so many others, the final solution to the Hitler problem?

Key features:

  • Compelling pseudo-historical plot
  • Ingenious puzzles and quests designed to reflect the German peculiarities of the 1940s
  • Realistic, period graphical setting
  • Authentic locations and historically accurate characters: Himmler, Muller, Goebbels, and Hitler
  • Travel through historic settings, such as Hitler's private study and the Gestapo's headquarters
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Download Game A Stroke of Fate : Operation Valkyrie
Game A Stroke of Fate : Operation Valkyrie 100%out of 100% based on 5 ratings. 5 user reviews.

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16 Komentar

Kamis, Desember 01, 2011 9:40:00 AM

wah sayang ane kagak sempet ngegame,,,
btw diterjemahin aja gan biar nambah mudeng ...
maklum S2 =))

Kamis, Desember 01, 2011 11:50:00 AM

blognya sudah saya follow gan dgn nama admin FIKRI SHARE. mohon maaf gan out of topic, cara supaya iklan GA mau keluar gimana ya? coz punya saya iklannya g nongol2.

eh sorry bos. saya gak ngerti banget kalo soal PR, backlink, aleexa, ato segala macamnya... saya gaptekk... hehehe.. sori...

Kamis, Desember 01, 2011 4:00:00 PM

keren juga nih game dilihat dari postnya :)

btw kok komen ente di blog temen temen ane sama semua ya :D

Kamis, Desember 01, 2011 7:32:00 PM

sepertinya game ni keren yach sobat,, cuman sayang sy malas banget main game sobat,, semoga sukses dengan gamenya ini sobat,,,

happy blogging sobatku,,,,

Kamis, Desember 01, 2011 7:48:00 PM

salam kenal gan.....www.kabarbengkulu.com

Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 7:28:00 AM

@Dedi Irawan : ok gan kalau sempet ajja agan ng game nya,,,,,

Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 7:31:00 AM

@Fikri Share : Ok gan makasih dah follow ,,,, oh kalau masalah GA biasa.a blog nya harus berbahasa inggris gan biar muncul,,,, nah kalau ga' muncul terus appa di banned atau ga' gan,,,,,,,????

Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 7:32:00 AM

NuellubiS : ohok gan gpp,,, hehehe,,

happy blogging gan

Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 7:33:00 AM

@Farixsantips : makasih gan,,,, ya nih gan ane lagi mau nurunin / langsingin alexa soal nya baru ganti domain,,,,, hehehehehehe

Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 7:39:00 AM

@ Asis Sugianto : ok tak appe lagh sobat law males maend game obat jenuh ajja gan,,,, hehehe

happy blogging gan

Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 7:56:00 AM

@Anonim : Salam kenal juga gan website falah mulyana

Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 10:34:00 AM

sofwarenya bagus bagus gan thanks dah share bakal sering2 mampir nih :D


Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 5:21:00 PM

@Bebek Edan : ok gan sering berkunjung ya di sini Website Falah Mulyana

Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 8:49:00 PM

saya baru daftar GA 2 minggu lalu gan dan sudah di approve, statusnya msh aktif gan. saya baru pertama x ini gan di approve di GA jd blm pham proses munculnya GA butuh berapa lama. biasanya brapa lma y gan iklannya muncul stlah di approve?

Jumat, Desember 02, 2011 9:18:00 PM

@ Fikri Share : Kalau udah pasang adsense google di blog 10 menit juga langsung muncul gan,,,,,!!!

allhamdulillah donk gan,,, agan dah di approve ma mbah google,,,, selamat mendapat kan uang yang sebesar-besar nya ya gan,,,,,,,,,!!!!

ingat gan page CTR nya jangan lebih dr 4 % kalau lebih banned google menanti,,,,

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