Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Download Winstep Xtreme Via Mediafire

Winstep Xtreme is a customizable Windows interface suite that combines enhanced functionality and attractive effects with a wide variety of widgets, utilities, task managers, and power tools, all designed to work together seamlessly. It bundles the NeXuS Ultimate dock system; WorkShelf, a versatile tabbed dock; NextStart, an enhanced system taskbar; Winstep Start Menu Organizer; FontBrowser; and more. Not to mention a wide variety of desktop widgets such as weather monitors, system meters, and time/date displays.

We opened Winstep Xtreme, and first to appear was NextStart, a skinnable, totally customizable taskbar replacement that basically lets you park anything you want on it, in groups, with widgets. This was followed shortly by the associated WorkShelf, which expands to a console of docked items, including tasks, utilities such as FontBrowser and Start Menu Organizer, system tools, and even a fish called Wanda that dispenses advice and pithy quotes. Xtreme also installed floating desktop widgets for local weather, a CPU meter, and an attractive combined analog/digital clock display. At the center top of the desktop appeared the NeXuS Ultimate dock, a series of docking icons that you can customize to provide quick access to your most needed programs and files, from programs to media players to family pictures and everything in between, too. Winstep might just provide more settings and options for configuring and customizing Xtreme's various parts than any similar tool or suite we've seen. We were able to change the size, color, effects, behavior, function, performance, sounds, themes, and much more, yet everything was surprisingly easy to configure since the right-click context menus access all needed controls and settings. It's not difficult to configure advanced settings, either. The displays, widgets, skins, effects, and other visual settings were all compatible with Windows Aero themes and the Windows 7 Superbar, too, and were quite attractive, ranging from subtle to jazzy and even entertaining, such as the small but realistic explosion that demolishes items when you remove them from the dock.

Winstep Xtreme has still more features than we can describe, such as the Tasklist on the WorkShelf and an Advanced Time Report Client. It's worth the time and effort to customize Winstep Xtreme to suit your needs, since the end result is a much better desktop.

Download Via Mediafire

Download Winstep Xtreme

Passwor To Unlock : lufisdeat
Download Winstep Xtreme Via Mediafire 100%out of 100% based on 5 ratings. 5 user reviews.

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18 Komentar

Jumat, Desember 30, 2011 8:19:00 AM

wah pasti dengan software winstep extreme ini dapat membuat personalisai komputer semakin keren..

nice software sobat...

Jumat, Desember 30, 2011 8:34:00 AM

@Asis Sugianto : Ok sobat silahkan di coba software.a......

terima kasih selalu berkunjung di blog ane sobat

Jumat, Desember 30, 2011 9:30:00 AM

wah ini yang cari akhirnya dapet juga disini ijin sedot ya thanks in advanced

Jumat, Desember 30, 2011 10:21:00 AM

@ Catatan Akhir Tahun : Ok sobat silahkan,,,,,,,,, sering berkunjung di blog ane ya sobat

Sabtu, Desember 31, 2011 9:37:00 AM

Wah...Hebat Sekali Blognya Istimewa heheheh....Eh Sobat Katanya ada 3 Akun Adsense Beli y 1 Lagi?

Sabtu, Desember 31, 2011 12:42:00 PM

mas blogwalking eh ya link exchange mas ama ane www.akromaster.com masih pemula mas

Minggu, Januari 01, 2012 7:40:00 PM

Selamat tahun baru 2012

Senin, Januari 02, 2012 5:39:00 AM

@Tono Maryono : Maaf sobat,,,,,,,,!!! baru bisa bales abis liburan nih dari pameungpeuk,,,,,,,,,, hehehehhe,,,,,,

ok gan silahkan atau mau pake nama akang juga insya alloh bisa,,,,,,, ntar di tunggu sms.a saja,,,,

Senin, Januari 02, 2012 5:41:00 AM

@Muchammad Akrom : Ok sobat sama ane juga masih pemula......

ane menuju TKP sobat....
happy blogging sobat.....

Senin, Januari 02, 2012 5:42:00 AM

@ Obat Sakit 2011 : Selamat tahun baru 2012 juga sobat.....

Senin, Januari 02, 2012 3:17:00 PM

Lansung ke TKP gan....

Senin, Januari 02, 2012 5:47:00 PM

@ CAPek-Ma : Ok sobat terima kasih atas kunjungan.a di blog saya yg sangat sederhana ini....!!!!!

happy blogging sobat

Senin, Januari 02, 2012 9:13:00 PM

cakeep gan. udh ane coba aplikasinya dan hasilnya mantaaap

Selasa, Januari 03, 2012 6:12:00 AM

Tukaran lin bro, linkmu udah tak pasang, silahkan dicek... no 87... Thanks..

Selasa, Januari 03, 2012 4:08:00 PM

@ Link Konco (CAPek-Ma) : Ok sobat link sobat sudah terpasang di blog saya, terima kasih telah memasang link blog saya di blog sobat,,,,,,!!!!

sukses selalu and happy blogging sobat

Sabtu, Februari 11, 2012 8:43:00 PM

manteb bro infonya :) i likeit bro :)

Sabtu, Februari 11, 2012 9:52:00 PM

@ Septiaji Agung Santosa : Ok sobat silahkan download saja software nya,,,,, semoga bermanfaat

Selasa, Juni 19, 2012 2:00:00 AM

sob linknya rusak
tolong di share lagi dong

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