Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Dowbload GameDragon Age II For PC

Dragon Age II is an enjoyable and complex role-playing game, featuring expansive questing in a fantasy world tinged with political intrigue. During this lengthy adventure, you face gigantic dragons, villainous mages, and greedy slavers, all while exercising the power of choice to steer various story elements as you see fit. It's often terrific, even if it doesn't meet the standard set by Dragon Age: Origins.

Several areas, such as inventory management and skill progression, have been stripped down in one way or another--a case of developer BioWare inexplicably fixing that which wasn't broken. The story, too, has seen a downward turn, failing to connect its various (albeit excellent) quests to a clear central goal. It's easy to see these and other blemishes because the game that spawned this sequel was so exceptional, and ultimately the superior game. And yet on its own terms, Dragon Age II is still a great experience, depicting a kingdom threatened not by invading monsters, but by the demons of fear and distrust.

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Dowbload GameDragon Age II For PC 100%out of 100% based on 5 ratings. 5 user reviews.

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2 Komentar

Jumat, November 11, 2011 7:52:00 AM

hahahahaha.....keren sssssiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaa duuuuuzzzzzzz

Jumat, November 11, 2011 8:43:00 AM

@Anonim hatur nuhun kang,,,,,,,, sering berkunjung di blog ieu nya,,,,,,,,!!!!8-}

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